‘Jayam’ Ravi joined the dads' club of Kollywood on Tuesday evening, when his wife Aarthi gave birth to a baby boy at a hospital in Chennai. Both the mother and the infant are doing well, sources say.
“Since the delivery was expected in the first week of July, Ravi left for Paris recently to take part in the shoot of ‘Aadhi Bhagavan’, his next film directed by Ameer. He is coming back to Chennai on hearing the good news,” sources add.
Meanwhile, it is celebration time in the actor’s family as his father ‘Editor’ Mohan, elder brother ‘Jayam’ Raja and his in-laws distributed sweets to friend and relatives, with wishes pouring in from the tinsel town.
Interestingly, the new born has come with a gift to his dad, with Sun Pictures, who have acquired the release rights of Ravi’s forthcoming film ‘Thillalangadi’, making a formal announcement that the film’s audio will be released soon, which implicitly says the movie is getting ready for release.
Ravi, who was in love with Aarthi, daughter of producer Sujatha Vijayakumar, tied the knot to her with the blessings from elders in both the familes at a grand ceremony in Chennai last year.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
‘Jayam’ Ravi, the happy father
12:54 AM
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